A trademark registration for the mark PROHEAR for audio headphones and related goods has been cancelled based on a likelihood of confusion with the mark PROTEAR for similar goods.   The trademark cancellation proceeding was filed and decided before the U.S. Trademark Trial and Appeal Board.

The case, Hangzhou Zhaohu Technology Co., Ltd. v. Hangzhou Johnson

U.S. trademark expungement and reexamination proceedings are now available.  This constitutes a major development in U.S. trademark practice.  A result of the U.S. Trademark Modernization Act., the new rules became effective December 18, 2021.

As ex parte proceedings, trademark reexamination and expungement have the potential to be more efficient and less expensive than trademark cancellation

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office  (USPTO) has adapted to the COVID-19 era.  Yet, performance challenges in certain operational areas remain.  This is the conclusion of the USPTO FY 2020 Annual Report.  Our previous article on TTAB statistics in the age of COVID-19 may be found here.

TTAB FY 2020 performance.   The TTAB is responsible

Recent TTAB filing statistics reveal that COVID-19 has not substantially impacted U.S. trademark opposition filings.  While trademark opposition filings are slightly below pace compared to last year, trademark cancellation activities are on the rise.  This is good news for brand owners and practitioners everywhere.  Our previously reported summary of 2019 TTAB statistics may be found

A trademark registration for nutritional supplements was recently cancelled by the U.S. Trademark Trial and Appeal Board.

Background.  The case, Food Global Innovation GP LLC v. Tuong Nguyen, sought cancellation of U.S. Reg. No. 4799824 of VITASTRONG and Design was nutritional and herbal supplements.  The grounds for cancellation were abandonment.   The Petitioner had