As a Connecticut trademark attorney, I often advise clients on the trademark registration process and what legal rights a United States Trademark registration grants.  Since there are many misunderstandings about trademark law, it is worthwhile to briefly discuss some best practices on how to protect trademarks and brand names here:

1.   Begin with a Full Trademark Search

A trademark search generally consists of a search of the United States Patent and Trademark Office records, state trademark office records, and common law listings to determine the availability for registration and use of a proposed trademark in interstate commerce.  The trademark search looks for identical trademarks as well as trademarks that may be “confusingly similar” to the trademark that is being considered for adoption by the searching party. 

2.   Have a Trademark Lawyer Provide a Written Legal Opinion

Analyzing the results of a trademark search requires experience and a detailed knowledge of applicable trademark law.  After the full trademark search is conducted, a qualified trademark lawyer should provide a written opinion as to the availability for registration and use of the trademark on the proposed goods and services.  The opinion should list all of the trademark search results of interest that are relevant to a determination of clearing the desired trademark for registration and use. 

3.  Prepare and File a Trademark Application

Once the trademark lawyer provides a favorable trademark search opinion, he or she should promptly prepare and file a trademark application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.  Trademark applications can either be filed based on (a) existing use in commerce or (b) an intent to use in commerce if the applicant has not yet commenced use of the trademark on its products or services.  Once the trademark application is filed, it is assigned to an examining attorney in the Trademark Office to review the application for procedural and substantive requirements, and to deterimine whether the application will be either accepted or initially refused due to a likelihood of confusion with previously registered trademarks or for other reasons.

By following the above approach to trademark clearance and protection, companies can avoid many of the major risks and pitfalls associated with this nuanced area of trademark law.