Trademark opposition costs in the United States are some of the highest in the world.
Estimates for a full trial on the merits before the U.S. Trademark Trial and Appeal Board can exceed $100,000 or more compared to half the cost in other countries.
It’s no wonder why inhouse trademark counsel is increasingly seeking ways to more effectively manage their budgets.
Here are a few trademark opposition strategies to do so:
Begin with Case Outcome Mapping
The first pre-filing step in a trademark opposition should be to fully list all potential outcomes to the case – favorable or unfavorable. Anything from a negotiated settlement, license, amendment of goods, to a judgment on the merits should be listed. At this early stage of litigation budgeting, it is important for inhouse trademark counsel to understand options available to any litigant in a TTAB proceeding. With this knowledge, a case-specific review can take place with greater accuracy.
Engage in Early-Case Assessment
Discovery is often the most expensive stage of an opposition proceeding. Unofficial estimates are that it accounts for at least 50% of total attorney’s fees. Therefore, an assessment of the potential strengths and weaknesses of a case should coincide with case outcome mapping. Too often, Opposer’s find themselves going down the slippery slope of a full-blown litigation. This can lead to a higher risk profile that was neither intended nor expected.
Consider Trademark Mediation
Reaching out to opposing trademark counsel to explore the option of mediation is not a sign of weakness. Since over 90% of cases settle before a full trial on the merits, it makes good economic sense to do so. INTA’s Trademark Mediators Network consists of over 2oo trademark mediators qualified to assist litigants. The parties can agree for the mediation to be non-binding, leading to no commitments other than to sit down and talk [disclosure: the author of this blog is an INTA approved mediator].
Partner with the Right Outside Counsel
Inhouse trademark counsel should always be thinking of objective and measurable means to mitigate the risks of an opposition proceeding.
By doing so, their internal stakeholders and brand protection goals will continue to be served well.
If you need advice on the best trademark opposition strategies, please contact us now! We’re always ready to help.